2021-22 Practice Schedule
Dust off those skates!
- READ the updated Return to Hockey Plan with your player(s). What are the rules? What will games look like? Are spectators allowed? Can you use your hockey bags? FIND ALL THE ANSWERS HERE.
- If it’s your first year with KLMHA or a new player from your hockey family is joining, ensure you complete the Respect in Sport Parent Program online (mandatory before your player can hit the ice).
- Download and set up TeamSnap, where schedules, games and important updates are communicated.
- Gear – new to hockey? Full list of what you need is here.
- U7 players (Timbits) start September 27, 2021.
- U9 and older start September 13, 2021.
NEEDED: We need help to run the season.
- We need door monitors for each practice to confirm the Complex covid screening is complete. If you can help, please email klmha@live.ca. This helps you earn your volunteer hours back and ensures we are compliant with the Complex’s rules. It’s a 20-minute responsibility for each practice.
- We need coaches, team trainers and team managers for each team, as well as an Initiation (Timbit) Program Convenor (head of Timbits). If you are interested, even if you can’t commit to every practice/game, please email us to discuss: klmha@liva.ca. Most volunteers are shift work and if we have more then we fill the gaps.
September 13 to September 24’s schedule has some changes:
- U7: due to ice conflicts and the need for a head of Timbits, practices will not begin until Monday, September 27th.
- U9: the schedule for the first two Tuesdays (September 14 & 21) is slightly different. There will only be one practice on those nights – both tiers will practice together at 6:00 PM. After that, players will be assigned to tier 1 or 2 and then practices will divide, as per the posted schedule, on September 28th.
- U11: the first two weeks will be as follows
- Mondays 7 PM: all U11 players will attend
- Wednesdays 6 PM: all U11 players will attend
- Wednesdays 7 PM: no practice – ice reserved for other use
- Thursday 7 PM: no practice – ice reserved for other use
- Note: players wanting to try out for the rep team – we will contact you via email with confirmed details.
- Players will be split into their respective teams by September 27th and then practices will divide, as per the posted schedule below.
WEEKLY SKILLS SESSIONS: details (start date and pricing) to be announced at a later date.
As always, all questions must be directed to klmha@live.ca to ensure a timely and accurate reply.