Due to circumstances beyond our control, there have been some changes in our Executive and Board of Directors.
We are pleased to welcome the following volunteers to their new roles, who were voted in via a virtual vote (due to aiming to reduce in-person meetings during the pandemic).
  • 2nd Vice-President: Christine McBean
  • Treasurer: D’Arcey MacKinnon
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Kara Emms
  • Initiation Program Convenor: Scott Kohut
We are still looking for two more volunteers to join our board:
  • Tournament Coordinator
  • U9/Novice Program Convenor
Check out the details on each role or email us if interested kmlha@live.ca – description of roles is on klmha.ca/contact-us/.
We are grateful to all our volunteers! Every helping hand makes it easier for everyone and provides the youth of KL a great on-ice experience!