On September 18th, we shared that we needed a few volunteers to fill much-needed positions and we are happy to share that all but one are now full!

We are grateful to all our volunteers. Every helping hand makes it easier for everyone and provides the youth of KL a great on-ice experience and keeps hockey going.

We are pleased to welcome our new Tournament Coordinator: Amanda Cybolsky. Amanda stepping up to the role means all our U9 and older teams will have a home tournament this season!
We are still looking for one more volunteer to join our board:
  • President: Sheena Daviau
  • 1st Vice-President: Kristal Spadetto
  • 2nd vice-president: Christine McBean
  • Secretary: Cassy Dinel
  • Treasurer: D’Arcey Mackinnon
  • Bench Staff Coordinator:  Joseph Szulga
  • Equipment Manager:   Joe Barr
  • Fundraising Coordinator: Adele Danis
  • Ice Manager: Nick Perrier
  • Initiation (Timbit/Tyke) Program Convenor: Scott Kohut
  • NDHL Rep: Sheena Daviau
  • U9/Novice Program Convenor:  NEEDED! Contact us if interested: klmha@live.ca 
  • Player Development:  Joe Barr
  • Referee Coordinator:   Eric Ouellette
  • Registrar:   Karen Armstrong
  • Resolutions Coordinator:  Richard Witty
  • Social Media Coordinator: Cassandra Dinel & Kara Emms
  • Tournament Coordinator: Amanda Cybolsky
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Kara Emms 
  • Web Master:  Cassandra Dinel & Kara Emms