November 26, 2021:

The Joe Mavrinac Community Complex has been informed by THU today that the dressing rooms have to go back to physical distancing. This means no more than one guardian per family in the dressing rooms and only if need, for as long as needed (meaning once you have helped the player/players please leave right away).

Please review and share this information with your teammates and help ensure that the capacity in each room is not exceeded:

As the Complex has currently rented out the back of Room 2 & 5, they do not have that extra space to allow for more players like before.

Room 3 does have an overflow room available and as such it has the capacity of 21 players (with the overflow room).

Room 4 has the capacity of 9 players.

For this weekend’s games, the team allocated in Room 2 will also have Room 1 to spread out. Room 1 capacity is 7 players and Room 2 capacity is 10 players.

The capacity in Room 5 is 11 players, and the Complex has opened a small room with 2 chairs as a small overflow room. Also, right across Room 5 where they have locker rentals, they have added 3 chairs. This will give a total of 16.

The Complex is working on a solution moving forward to accommodate all games and practices with dressing rooms. Stay tuned for updates.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.