Annual General Meeting 2023
The KLMHA Annual General Meeting will take place Tuesday, May 30th, at 6:00pm at the Complex blue line room.
The AGM agenda will consist of:
- Review of last AGM
- President’s report
- Financial report
- Amendments to the constitution and rules and regulations.
- Click here to view the proposed amendments
- Election of the 2023-24 executives
- Our current president is retiring from their role. We have at least one prospect interested in the position, Kristal S, and all other members are looking to stay on.
If you are interested in the President role or joining the exec in another role, please let us know. You can email klmha@live.ca.
Board positions will be finalized after the AGM. Anyone interested is also asked to contact us.
Exec and Boarad positions and what they entail are detailed here.
The sooner we know who will fill what role, the sooner we can start registration!
- Our current president is retiring from their role. We have at least one prospect interested in the position, Kristal S, and all other members are looking to stay on.
- New business
Hockey is 100% powered by volunteers. If you are interested in getting involved with the organization or want to continue please attend.
As always, only agenda items will be discussed at the AGM. Other items (i.e. the upcoming season) will be discussed at our first board meeting of the season (which will be scheduled after the AGM) and is open to members.
Hockey parents/guardians and players are asked to please attend the AGM to participate in the vote.
Please email klmha@live.ca if you have any questions ahead of time.