Now that we have an approved Return to Hockey Plan, we are looking to find volunteers for coaching, assistant coaches, on-ice volunteers, team trainers and team managers.

If you have your certifications already and are interested in volunteering, please download the application and submit it asap so we can ensure all roles are filed in time for the start of practices. Everyone who fills these roles for the season will ensure they receive their $200 volunteer credit back.

Volunteer Requirements (which certifications are required for each role) are updated due the pandemic and are listed here and pasted below.

You do not need to re-do your certifications. If you have them, then you are good to fill the role. The only thing everyone needs to do this season, as it’s new, is the Planning A Safe Return to Hockey course and ensure your Criminal Record Check is still valid.

How to fill out the application:

  1.  Click here to access the application.
  2. To fill it out digitally (online), you can use this tool to fill it out. Simply upload the PDF, fill in the details, then download the completed form and email it to KLMHA.
  3. OR print it, fill it in and take pictures or scan and email it to KLMHA (or mail it).


Minimum Coaching Requirements – Returning Coaches (2020-2021 Only)

Managers, On-Ice Volunteers, and Trainers (2020-2021 Only)


  1. KLMHA Return to Hockey Plan on September 28, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    […] team managers. If you have your certifications already and are interested in volunteering, please download the application and submit it asap. Volunteer Requirements (which certifications are required for each role) are […]

  2. […] We are still looking for 1 team manager, and assistant coaches and trainers for almost all Ice Times (we need one of each per ice time per). If interested, click here. […]