Each family pays a Volunteer Commitment fee at registration.

How can you earn this fee back?

One of the following activities/roles is required to meet the volunteer commitment for the season, which benefit the whole Association:

  1. Any executive, director or convener position, for the season.
  2. Any position such as coach, assistant coach, trainer or team manager, for the season.
  3. Selling 2 extra books of Super Draw tickets.
  4. Completing 12 hours of activities that benefit KLMHA as a whole, such as:
    • tournaments
      • fundraising, time keeping, music, etc.
    •  practices
      • COVID-19 screening form collection
      • skill equipment set up, take down and sanitization
    • special fundraising events (like the alumni games)
      • fundraising, decorating, selling tickets, etc.
    • year end banquet
      • setting up, handing out food, etc.

Note: Team fundraising activities (i.e.: bottle drive, hockey pools) are not considered towards KLMHA volunteer hours unless the funds raised are intended for the whole Association and not just one team.

Tracking Your Hours

As you complete volunteer activities (any of the 4 above noted activities/roles), you must track and present your completed Volunteer Tracking Sheet to the KLMHA Treasurer. It is your responsibility to fill out and submit the Volunteer Tracking Sheet in order for the refund to be processed. This includes any of the above-noted positions.

Fee Reimbursement

You can earn your fee back early! As you sell the additional Super Draw ticket books or the below noted hours, submitted your tracking sheet:

Volunteer reimbursement cheques will be issued December 15th and at the Year End Banquet of each season, as long as the Volunteer Tracking Sheet has been received on time.

The final deadline to submit your Volunteer Tracking Sheet to qualify for reimbursement December 10th and the KLMHA Year End Banquet. The banquet date changes each year. IF the banquet is cancelled for any reason, the deadline becomes April 30th of that current season.

December refund cheques will scheduled for pick up, as needed. Final refund cheques will be issued at the Year End Banquet. If you cannot attend, please contact the KLMHA Treasurer within 48 hours of the banquet.

If your Volunteer Tracking Sheet is not received by the deadlines, your Volunteer Tracking Sheet will not be processed and no refund given, so please ensure you submit your sheet on time.

It is the responsibility of the family to look for opportunities to meet their volunteer commitment! Opportunities will be discussed at the season-kick off Parent Meeting, and posted about regularly on our KLMHA Facebook Page and our Kirkland Lake Legion 87 Timbits (U7 Tykes) Facebook Page.


If you have any questions about volunteering, please speak to your team coach/manager or email klmha@live.ca.

Download the Volunteer Tracking Sheet here.