You may have seen some recent post by the town regarding covid protocols for entering their facility. This was presented at council tonight by the complex to mandate 12-17 year olds to be fully vaccinated in order to play hockey. Which is opposite what the Ontario Government set out.
The motion was not passed at council!
Going forward, a motion was set in place to follow provincial guidelines. That being said, here is what you need to know, effective September 22nd:
  1. All coaches, volunteers, referees, time keepers, executive and board members must be fully vaccinated and show proof with ID prior to entering the arena each time.
  2. All spectators must show proof of being fully vaccinated along with ID. Exception to those under the age of 12.
  3. Any player that is between the ages of 12 and 17 that are not fully vaccinated MUST exit the facility IMMEDIATELY upon completion of their game or practice. Yes, they will be given time to remove their equipment, but it is expected that they will vacate the facility within 10 minutes.
  4. You must enter and exit from the main entrance of the complex.
  5. For players 12-17 that are not fully vaccinated: there will be a sign in/out sheet at our screening table in the main entrance to ensure that they have left the facility. Skate sharpening is not a valid excuse to remain in the facility. You will need to make arrangements with Lee.
We need to work together to ensure that our children can continue to play hockey in our communities.
Please remember, if you are sick to stay home.
We will update our website with this information within the next 24 hours but wanted to get this out to our KLMHA families immediately.
If you have questions, please email – please refrain from messaging executives/volunteers directly.

Our full “return to hockey” plan has been updated to reflect these changes.

Click here to reveiw.