KLMHA Player of the Week
Calling all KLMHA families and all coaches and team managers!
We believe in a positive hockey experience for all participants. This includes skill development, sportsmanship, honesty and integrity and teamwork… and we like to celebrate when we see great examples of this which is why we have the KLMHA Player of the Week (#KLPOTW).
Starting Sunday, September 25th, each week, we ask you to nominate one KLMHA player who has demonstrated any of these qualities. Each week, one player will be selected from the nominations to be recognized as the player of the week.
They will be featured on our Facebook Page and will take home a KLMHA t-shirt.
To nominate a player, email player.nomination@gmail.com your nomination (Player name and why. If you have a picture of them, please also include it). Nominations are accepted all day every Sunday until midnight.
The Player of the Week will be announced on the following Monday on our Facebook Page. See past and future winners here.