Novice Program Survey NOHA

Please see the below letter from Jason Marchand, the NOHA Executive Director, sent for all parents of Novice-aged players:

Dear Novice Hockey Parents,

Novice hockey regulations will undergo major changes in 2019-20 season with the implementation of the Novice Half Ice Game Play Guidelines. To date, a number of regions across Canada have already implemented the shift from full ice game play to half ice game play. Hockey Canada, the NOHA (OHF) and the University of Quebec Trois Rivières have partnered

Your involvement in the project simply requires completing an online survey that will take approximately 8 to 10 minutes. All the data collected will remain confidential. Click here to take the survey.

It is important to note that your opinion matters to this initiative, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the implementation of the Novice Half Ice Game Play program. In addition, we encourage both parents to respond so we have everyone’s perspective on this issue.

Please note: The deadline for your response to this survey is March 22nd, 2019. Please click the link to begin the survey:

Our project group thanks you for your willingness to complete the survey.

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