On March 26, 2021, the Timiskaming district was moved to the Red-Control level due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. After consulting with the THU regarding the zone’s rules under the Ontario government’s framework in conjunction with the NOHA’s rules, KLMHA is able to continue with skills sessions. Based on this information, we polled the U9 and older families to see how many would want to continue. For the families who replied and selected option A to continue during the month of April, the details are below along with the weekly weekday schedule.

For U9 and older players who selected option B or chose not to reply, your season has now also come to an end and you will receive your final invoice for up to and including March 25th. If you want your volunteer fee credit you must submit your form by April 1st, 2021. Details here

U7 players were polled in March and their season has come to an end (except for a small group who will integrate with U9 schedule for April) and final invoices will be sent. If you want your volunteer fee credit you must submit your form by April 1st, 2021. Details here

KLMHA would like to thank all players and families for their flexibility while we navigate this season. We are grateful to all the volunteers who helped run safe and fun practices and games during trying and unknown times. We hope all players were able to enjoy their time on the ice! 


U9 & Older April Schedule

Each session will consist of up to 10 players.
There will be no changerooms – skates must be put on on the bench.
The complex’s covid screening must still be completed and presented at the door.
No spectators are permitted, however, one caregiver may accompany children who require assistance.


  • One weekly skills session practice for each team.
  • This schedule runs every week until April 30th, excluding April 5th (Easter Monday).
  • This ice time is covered under your regular season cost which will be included in your final invoice.


WEEKENDS optional

  • For those looking for extra ice time, coaches have volunteered to run one additional skills session for each group of 10.
  • Possible goalie-specific session will be available each weekend depending on interest and coach availability.
  • Below’s schedule is subject to change based on RSVPs. Sessions may be combined or cancelled based on numbers and will be confirmed each Friday.
  • You must RSVP by 10 PM each Thursday to be able to attend (this allows us to cancel ice without fee penalty and ensure coaches have people to train). Email klmha@live.ca to RSVP.
  • An additional $5 for each weekend skills session will be added to your invoice for each session you RSVPd to (whether you show up or not).